Why Should We Care About Cyberflashing?
Sophie Gallagher Sophie Gallagher

Why Should We Care About Cyberflashing?

If you exposed yourself to someone on the street, you’d be arrested for flashing. So why are people so comfortable with doing it online? HuffPost UK reporter Sophie Gallagher explains why we should care about cyberflashing.

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Cyber Flashing Victims On The Moment They Realised They Weren't Alone
Sophie Gallagher Sophie Gallagher

Cyber Flashing Victims On The Moment They Realised They Weren't Alone

Jenny Briggs was cyber flashed on a packed rush hour train in central London while using the on-board WiFi to try and do some work. The 27-year-old PR from Bristol says she was writing a press release when the explicit images landed on her screen leaving her completely “mortified”.

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Would Making Cyber Flashing Illegal Stop People Sending Dick Pics?
Sophie Gallagher Sophie Gallagher

Would Making Cyber Flashing Illegal Stop People Sending Dick Pics?

Caitlin* switches her phone to aeroplane mode and places it on the small table between us. She isn’t doing it to be polite. This is what she’s done for the last three months when in a public place. “It’s safer that way,” she explains, glancing nervously over her shoulder at a couple of male builders entering the cafe.

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